The show is not until February 11, 2017. You can sign up till the end of January to join in the fun. The premise is to work on art everyday in January. Interpert that at will. Suggestions have been a new piece of art each day, one piece of art you've worked on each day or what you mangaged to create in the month of January. No matter if it is one piece, 10 pieces, 20 pieces or 31 pieces it all counts and gets to be in the show!
Sign up today to keep up to date with free events leading up to the day. Just like the show you can come to all the weekly events, a few of them or none of them. Just make sure to attend the show on February 11. Registering today gets you updated emails right to your inbox from Dreameco Crafts!
Sign up today to keep up to date with free events leading up to the day. Just like the show you can come to all the weekly events, a few of them or none of them. Just make sure to attend the show on February 11. Registering today gets you updated emails right to your inbox from Dreameco Crafts!